There might be numerous home repairs that homeowners can do on their own but this should never be the case with electrical work. Professionals are best suited for that kind of work. This is because faulty wiring can result in electrocution, shock, fires as well as other hazards. Hiring a reliable and competent electrician who can be able to guarantee work is always advisable. Avoid making your hiring decision solely on the basis of price, instead conduct extensive research and ascertain the credentials of the electrician before you make a mistake.


The following are some insightful tips that can significantly assist homeowners in hiring a reliable and competent electrician:


Developers, builders and contractors are always in a good position to provide a list of very reliable electricians that they would recommend. There is no better way of advertising than through word of mouth. Find out if one of your co-workers or friends is able to recommend any good electrician that that they have worked with in the past.

Area of Expertise

Generally, electricians specialize in a single or even multiple fields. There are those that are competent in new construction site projects while others may specialize in commercial buildings or service calls. It is essential to make sure that an electrician possess the necessary experience with regard to the complication or issue that you are seeing a solution for.


A reliable electrician should have a license that shows he/she is qualified and recognized by the regulatory authorities. Ask prospective electricians for a copy of their license so that you can verify this.

Liability Insurance

Reliable electricians are those that carry a liability insurance. This means that you will be protected in case there is damage or an accident in your home. However, ensure that you make contact with the insurance provider to ascertain that the insurance policy has not lapsed.

electrical service in London

Get References

After a prospective electrician gives you his/her references, contact those individuals to ask about the workmanship and client satisfaction in their view. Inquire if the work performed was completed in good time and within budget. The last thing you want is an electrician that exceeds the set budget and does not respect project deadlines.


Conduct a thorough research, preferably online to find out if the electrician you intend to hire has had any complaint raised against them. More often than not, reliable electricians do not have any complaints against them.

Level of Trustworthiness

When hiring a reliable electrician, there is more to it than just evaluating experience, capabilities and professional licenses. Getting an individual who is trustworthy and honest also matters a lot. This is because they will have access to your property and family. Gauge the level of trustworthiness of the prospective candidate because this will give you peace of mind.


Homeowners that can take note of most if not all of the above issues, are better placed at hiring a reliable electrician who will not disappoint. It should also be noted that the most ideal time to select an electrician is when you do not need one because you will not be in a hurry to do so.